La Serrana, craft beer empowering rewilding and local produce in the Iberian Highlands

May 24, 2024

Rewilding Spain and La Balluca brewery partner to create a new beer that helps to spread the word on the role of natural grazing by Serrano horses in the Alto Tajo region.

La Serrana craft beer will help to make more people closer to rewilding in the Iberian Highlands

The story of the Serrano horses -a native breed from the Spanish Central mountains- that live in semi-freedom in Mazarete (Guadalajara) and their important role in the regeneration of the Dehesa de Solanillos mount has inspired the new craft beer La Serrana, created by La Balluca brewery in partnership with Rewilding Spain.

This initiative aims to bring this nature restoration action closer to the people that appreciates both nature and local artisan products, as well as their relevant role for local economies. La Balluca is the smallest craft brewery in Spain. It is located in Milmarcos, a small village in Guadalajara province, with less than 100 inhabitants. Milmarcos is the home for the brewery owners, Judith Iturbe and Sergio Edo, who manage this business as part of their philosophy of life, linked to their roots in the rural world and using local products.

Some 40 kilometres from La Balluca is located the Dehesa de Solanillos mount, where a herd of 38 Serrano horses move and graze freely on a 1,485-hectare rewilding site that was affected by a major wildfire in 2005. With their feeding and movements, these horses reduce the amount of biomass available as fuel for potential new fires. As well, the horses’ natural grazing helps creating open spaces in the forest and enhance biodiversity.

The herd of Serrano horses in Solanillos mount is currently made up of 38 specimens

Eleven specimens arrived at Dehesa de Solanillos in 2021. Since then, the herd has increased with the birth of several foals and the arrival of new horses from different places, which ensures genetic. Rewilding Spain works in partnership with ARREA association in the location and monitoring of these horses.

Now, their story is also available thanks to La Serrana, a strong bitter beer with a creative label designed by local artist Sirem Wild that includes a QR code providing information about the Serrano horses and their role in the Iberian Highlands rewilding landscape. This role is not only important from a nature restoration perspective, but also as an opportunity for socio-economic, ecotourism and educational initiatives in the area.

The label was especially designed by local artist Sirem Wild

Basilio Rodríguez, Enterprise Manager at Rewilding Spain, states: “Our partnership with La Balluca is a very good example of the principles that inspire Rewilding Spain. We are always seeking that our work in nature has also a positive impact on the people who live in the landscape, whether providing opportunities for already existing local businesses, or for new ones to be created.”

“We love what Rewilding Spain is doing in the area with the large herbivores reintroductions and also partnering with local producers and traditions, because at the end of the day that showcases and gives value to who we are. We like working with people who can appreciate what we do and how we do it,” says Judith Iturbe, owner of La Balluca.

Judith Iturbe and Sergio Edo, owners of La Balluca brewery

La Serrana beer will be available at the different nature events that Rewilding Spain will take part throughout the year. The next one will be the Rural Festival of Tragacete (Cuenca), to take place in June.


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