Rewilding Spain has joined the Sustainable Tourism Forum of the Molina-Alto Tajo region, a common space that brings together the entities involved in sustainable nature tourism in this area.

The Sustainable Tourism Forum is also the participation tool in the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, an initiative from EUROPARC Federation whose global objective is to promote the development of tourism in terms of sustainability in the protected areas of Europe.
For Rewilding Spain, improving the socioeconomic development of the territory with nature-based solutions is one of the pillars of the Iberian Highlands rewilding. Sustainable tourism is considered as one of the strategic fields of opportunity for rewilding that will bring a positive impact in local communities from the social and economic perspective.
With this in mind, Rewilding Spain plans for 2023 to boost the celebration of sustainable tourism in the area, promote Iberian Highlands as a destination for international visitors with the support of international tour operators, support entrepreneurship in nature-based activities and contribute to the national and international visibility of the landscape thanks to its natural values.
Adding vision and sharing efforts
The adhesion of Rewilding Spain to the Sustainable Tourism Forum was formalised at the meeting that the entity held last Thursday at the Alto Tajo Natural Park Visitors Centre located in Corduente, coordinated by the Alto Tajo Natural Park officials and which was also attended by representatives of Geopark, the Association of Rural Development Molina de Aragón-Alto Tajo, municipalities, and companies in the tourism sector. Likewise, representatives of the Association of Ecotourism and Active Tourism of Castilla-La Mancha, ATRAMA (Rural Tourism Association of the Region of Molina de Aragón-Alto Tajo), Rumbo Rural and the Federation of Associations of the Region of Molina de Aragón-Alto Tajo took part in the meeting.
For Rewilding Spain, being part of the Sustainable Tourism Forum of Molina-Alto Tajo is great opportunity to add the rewilding vision to the group and for sharing efforts to achieve common objectives in sustainable tourism.
Rewilding Spain is part of Rewilding Europe network and leads on the ground the Iberian Highlands rewilding initiative, a long-term action plan that has been launched in a territory of 850,000 hectares located in in Castilla-La Mancha and Aragon regions.
For the implementation of the initiative, it has the funding of the Endangered Landscapes Programme and the Cartier Foundation for Nature.