
Leading the way towards rewilding in Spain

May 26, 2023  |  News

Rewilding Spain Foundation is starting out a new stage after the renewal of its Board of Trustees for the next three years and the incorporation of the biologist and disseminator Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente. For the new period, main goals are the consolidation of the Iberian Highlands pioneering rewilding initiative and extending the rewilding approach other areas in Spain.

Rewilding Spain to support NaturTajo nature observation tourism fair

March 30, 2023  |  News

Rewilding Spain is supporting the Sustainable Development Department of Castilla-La Mancha region in the creation and organization of NaturTajo, the Nature Observation Tourism Fair in Iberian Highlands, which is promoted by the regional government of Castilla-La Mancha and will hold its first edition next June 8 – 11 in Corduente (Guadalajara).

Rewilding job alert for a Rewilding Officer. Apply now!

December 13, 2022  |  News

Rewilding Spain is searching for a new Rewilding Officer who will join the team already working in Iberian Highlands rewilding initiative. The Rewilding Officer will play a key role in the development, establishment and implementation of a monitoring and follow-up programme in the Iberian Highlands landscape, and will be responsible for the supervision of the … Continued

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